Last week Stephen was offered a job at a technical support call center. We think it will help him gain some experience in the IT field and are hoping that he enjoys it. We are very grateful that it didn't take him too long to get a job. We didn't think it would, which is partly why we took the leap of faith to move down here.
We also found a place to live. I was really disappointed in my rental hunting at the quality of rentals and the prices they were. We just kept driving by dumps that were way more than what we were renting before. The place we found isn't exactly where we were hoping to locate, but we both liked it and felt good about making that our home. We will be really close to my older sister, which will be fun. The downside to our new place is that we can't move in until September 1st.
Last weekend my in-laws and one of my sister-in-laws watched the boys for Stephen and I so we could get away for our anniversary. It isn't until the 16th, but we thought it'd be best to take the opporunity now. We had a wonderful, quiet time to ourselves. Thank you Mabel, Lawrence, and Kimberly for taking care of our boys. We have been lucky to live near my parents for two and a half years and now we are lucky to live next to Stephen's family.
Vance will be starting kindergarten soon as well so as you can see we have lots of changes going on around our neck of the woods. As Elder Joseph B. Wirthlin said in a talk once, "Come what may and love it." Oh I will try. :)