Sunday, October 27, 2013

Halloween Preview

My mother-in-law generously made all the boy's Halloween costumes.  She did a wonderful job too.  We were invited to their ward's Halloween party on Saturday so the boys got to get a feel for their costumes.
Here is Obi-Wan-Kenobi.  
 Here is my bat.  You may recognize this as the costume Tanner wore last year.
 Here is Link.  
 Here is a group shot of them.  I plan to take more pictures on Halloween as well.  They are very excited about there costumes, even my little bat.
Stephen and his Dad got new suits.  Doesn't Stephen look nice?  He always says he feels a little out of place at bishopric meeting because they are all wearing suits, but him so now he can blend in with the crowd. :)

Wednesday, October 23, 2013


I am not photographer, but I do enjoy taking pictures of my boys and so I try to practice seeing what works and what doesn't so I can get better and taking pictures of them.  They are growing up so fast.  Vance already hits my shoulder. I imagine he'll be as tall as me in the next few years.
Fall is very pretty down here with the leaves changing colors and falling down so we enjoyed some of that the other day.
All of my boys hate having their hair gelled and so I don't make them do it too often, but really boys?  I don't think they have any idea how lucky they are to be boys.  I think girls learn early on that beauty is pain. Ha.
Although I feel like I am constantly listening to my boys frighting they are also good friends and I am grateful for that.
 I feel like Vance looks more like Stephen's side of the family and Tanner looks more like my side.  Porter seems to be more of a mix to me.  Maybe others view it differently.
 I took a picture of all the boys laying in the grass on the leaves.  They thought that was great fun.

This passed weekend we ran up to Idaho to celebrate my Grandpa Tanner's 80th birthday.  I am so grateful to come from such a wonderful heritage on both sides of my families.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Pumpkin Patch

The boys didn't have school today (or tomorrow) so we went to the pumpkin patch this morning before Stephen had to go to work.  We always have a great time and since we go right when it opens we are generally one of the few there which is even more enjoyable.  I posted all of these pictures on facebook, but I wanted to share them here as well.  These are just a few of my favorites.  Believe it or not, I didn't even post half of what I actually took on facebook.
I think this picture of Vance is one of my favorites of him since he got glasses.  It gives me hope that we will have success getting some good baptism pictures of him in a couple of months.  :)
 My little Porter with his little dimple.  I love when you can see it in pictures.
 Tanner is my official candy inspector this year or so his shirt says.
 We got a cute picture of them with the hay bales and the beautiful mountains in the background.  They all wanted to wear their Halloween shirts to the pumpkin patch.
 They got restless so I told them to make a jack-o-lantern face.  Ta-da!  This picture makes me laugh and laugh.  I think Stephen took some video footage while I was taking this picture on his phone.
 Porter spotted two p's and he was just beside himself with happiness about it.
 Man, picking out a pumpkin is hard work.  Porter was cracking me up with his hands, but then I saw Vance scratching his head like he is deep in thought.  Funny boys.
 Tanner found his pumpkin and had to show it off to us all before he picked it up.
 I hate Halloween, I really do, but I love Fall.  I love when the weather is not hot and not cold. I love seeing the colorful leaves everywhere.  I love orange pumpkins.
 Tractor time!  Porter loved the tractor most of all.

 At home we painted our pumpkins.  The older two really got into making faces for their pumpkins.
 Tanner's pumpkin.  At least one side of it.  It is a vampire named Tanner.  He wrote "Boo" and "Tanner" on another side.
 Porter had a blast painting his pumpkin.  He painted a tiny face in one spot too, but you can't see it.  He named his "Porter Pumpkin".
 Vance's pumpkin.  He didn't name his.  Haha.  His eyes, nose, and mouth are painted in red.

Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Fall is here

Last week we took turns being sick even Stephen who doesn't get sick very often took his turn.  Hopefully, that is all in the passed.  This post is full of pictures of Porter because he and I are buddies all day long.  We enjoy doing preschool together.  One day we went on a little nature walk.  This is one of the leaves we found.
 My mother-in-law made all her grandsons (she doesn't have any granddaughters) Despicable Me Minions hats so when we were all together on Saturday we took a picture of the boys.  They turned out really cute.
 Of course, they always have a great time making silly faces as well.  Let's face it, this shows off more what these little minions are really like.
 My mother-in-law also made me these fingerless gloves which I wore to church on Sunday.  I usually sit in the corner of the primary room and freeze while I play the piano, but I still need my fingers to play so they were helpful and they are really cute.
 I have been trying to let the boys play outside while the weather isn't freezing cold yet, but of course, I didn't get a picture of Vance who is still at school when these two play outside.

 Porter might just give Tanner a run for his money in the pulling faces department.  Silly kid.
The boys don't have school Thursday or Friday, but Stephen will still have work.  In fact, he started his swing shift schedule at his new job this week.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Phones, Legos, Conference

Stephen and I have new phones.  His is huge, mine is not.  Kind of fitting since he is 14 inches taller than me and weighs nearly 100 pounds more.
 Porter and I have been doing preschool regularly.  Here he is with his play doh nests and eggs.  We enjoy some one on one time together while the other two are at school.
 Here is my silly Tanner.  He and Porter love to make believe outside and inside for that matter.
 Porter loves this pumpkin shirt so don't be surprised if you see it in a lot of posts this month.
 These two are silly.  I like to take pictures of them when they are playing.
 Here is my big boy Vance who spends all day at school, then comes home and does school work so I don't take as many pictures of him.  He is getting so tall.
 We took the boys to the grand opening of the Lego Store not to far from us.  The boys had a great time putting together blocks for a giant Hulk they were building.
 Showing off their creations.
 They got certificates and we took a picture of them in front of this fun banner.
 We enjoyed General Conference this weekend.  The boys did a lot of coloring and Stephen and I did some as well.  Today Porter asked if we were going to have Conference again when everyone got home and was disappointed when the answer was no.  Funny boy.  Their favorite apostle...L. Tom Perry of course.  They were all disappointed to find out he spoke at the Priesthood Session so they wouldn't hear him.  Thanks Phineas and Ferb...