Saturday, November 26, 2011


I am hoping everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving!  We sure did.  My parents and little sister have been in town. 
 What's Thanksgiving without a little pie? 
 And some napping?  Tanner and Jillian were tucking the angry birds and piggies under a blanket next to Rose while she napped.  She woke up into for a photo though.  :)  Although, I did catch Mom snoozing in the background.  What is in babies that makes you need to nap when you are holding them?
 This would be Tanner asking Rose why she had holes in her ears.
 Little bit of Just Dace to work of all the food they ate.  Tanner especially needed it with that one roll he ate (most of) and a piece of pie, talk about a big eater...
 This is a fun sorting game that Stephen folded for the boys.  They were enjoying it.
 Chloe and Porter wanted to "Just Dance" as well.
My parents brought some books for us to borrow and Tanner has had a great time getting Grandpa to read them to him.  I think he is going to be my book worm.

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