Saturday, November 19, 2011

Vance and Origami Trees

Stephen found this fun new tree design to fold and Vance wanted to help show them off.  Here is proof that the kid can give a really cute smile for the camera despite what his school portraits look like...

Anyway, last Wednesday we were able to meet with Vance's teacher and see how things are going at school.  Stephen decided that since he wasn't sure if he'd ever have the opportunity to go to one again he better take advantage of it now so his mom was kind enough to watch the boys while we did that.  Stephen and I were both very quiet at school so I was unsure how Vance would be.  I soon realized this was not the case for him and his teacher reconfirmed that last week.  It sounds like he is pretty much the same kid at home as he is at school.  I do feel bad for his teacher though, because Vance is very obsessed with "what's next" that he hardly pays attention to what is now.  We are going to work on having him take more time to do his best work at home and at school.  He is good at math (we can thank Stephen for that because I had no hand in that aside from maybe passing a gene from my dad along). He is a bright kid though and he gets along with his peers.

Vance also started riding the bus this week.  He is loving that.  He doesn't have a long bus ride either to or from school, not like when I was his age.  Anyway, the boy is growing up.  Before I know it he will be as tall as me and reading like a pro.  How does this happen so quickly?


Mabel said...

What a cute picture! And, what a smart boy!

Collier Family said...

Love the pictures! Looks like things are going well for ya'll! I'm so glad! Enjoy your Thanksgiving! :)